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Graph Customization


Please refer the Graph samples for more Graph related customizations.


Source Code

import { Chart } from 'singledivui';
import 'singledivui/dist/singledivui.min.css';

const options = {
type: "area",
data: {
labels: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun"],
series: {
points: [135, 217, 94, 160, 117, 162]
graphSettings: {
labelFontSize: "15px",
labelFontFamily: "cursive, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif",
labelColor: "#000",
yAxis: {
labelDistance: 14,
gridLineSize: 0,
axisLineSize: 0,
startFromZero: true

new Chart('#chart-demo', options);